That’s the question that Newsweek Mag’s cover next week asks.
That’s the question that Newsweek Mag’s cover next week asks.
The Logical Fallacy of the Day:
The ninth annual Day of Purity is coming up, being held this year on Valentine’s Day.
Amber Haskew, the group’s international president, says they are encouraging people to mark the day by wearing a white ribbon or wristband to symbolize their commitment to purity and fidelity within marriage.
“Living pure is just so, so important,” says Haskew. “Everything from higher income to a lower divorce rate to the obvious physical benefit, and even a lower amount of depression, is found in those who are sexually abstinent outside of marriage.”
At least 43% of them are.
And based on his horrible performance yesterday, are these same folks going to conclude that God now has switched sides and is rooting for the Patriots?
Seen on the front of a can of Campbell’s potato soup:
Farm Grown Potatoes
I’m an industrial chemist. I know we can do some amazing things in the lab. But I was unaware that we can now synthesize potatoes.
Well, I am thoroughly hooked. There are just so many variations of razors and blades and shave creams and soaps and aftershaves… I’m having lots of fun experimenting. Fortunately, as hobbies go, this one is pretty cheap. I recently bought a really pretty vintage (but new) brush and Schick Injector razor off eBay. Total cost was around $20. I’m old enough to remember ads for Schick razors, but they had pretty much disappeared by the time I started shaving. Too bad, really. The razor gives a wicked close shave. Fortunately, blades are still readily available and eBay has tons of the razors. So, here’s the setup for today:
Schick Injector — Type G1 — manufactured between 1946 and 1955.
Blade — Current manufacture Schick Injector blades from China
Brush — Bristle-Tite Badger — age unknown but the style is out of the ’50s, I think.
Cream — Bath & Body Works Bigelow
Aftershave — Barbasol Brisk
The Barbasol Brisk is worth a try even if you have no use for any of this other crap. It’s only $1.75 for a big bottle at Dollar General. Tons of menthol that feels really ice cold going on. I’m a sucker for menthol anything, especially at $1.75 per.
The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork has some breaking news:
The man arrested in the Midland [Texas] International Airport for attempting to take explosives aboard an American Eagle flight has been identified as Trey Scott Atwater of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Little has been disclosed about the man who is accused of trying to take a package of Composition 4 explosive on board American Eagle flight 3283 yesterday morning. Some media outlets are saying that it was a “bomb” while others have not confirmed this. Initial reports stated the man said he was active duty military and this too has not been confirmed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hope Mills, North Carolina is 15.5 miles from Fort Bragg Army Base.
Hope Mills is just outside Fayetteville. Yee-hah!
I hope this is just a case of a stupid screw-up (like he forgot he was carrying C4 in his backpack) as opposed to something a little more sinister. Regardless, if the guy really is military, it’s not a good day for Ft. Bragg.