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  • BAH!

    Filed at 6:15 am under by dcobranchi

    I haven’t posted anything homeschooling-related in about forever, but I couldn’t pass up this re-tread from the 1990s. A couple of quotes:

    If you have time to commit, then homeschooling may be an alternative to traditional education venues. The time you spend homeschooling does not have to follow traditional models (8-5, five weekdays), but it does require at least the same amount of time.

    The best homeschooling parents are former teachers

    One Response to “BAH!”

    Comment by
    July 27th, 2010
    at 9:26 am

    It’s from a content farm. There was a widely read article yesterday about these sites. They pay anywhere from a few bucks to about $20 per article. They have a huge dB of article ideas and freelancers simply crank out the crap content and the publisher make a lot of money on all the Google ads. Google should be filtering this crap out, but there is a inherent conflict of interest given how many ads they serve.