Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » AN EXCEPTIONAL TEACHER

    Filed at 9:54 pm under by dcobranchi

    Here’s a local one:

    A teacher at J.W. Coon Elementary School has been suspended with pay after being accused of breaking the arm of a 5-year-old student, Cumberland County Schools officials said this morning.

    Jackie Bennett, 57, of the 6500 block Pacific Avenue in Fayetteville, is charged with assault inflicting serious bodily injury and child abuse inflicting serious injury, said Debbie Tanna, a Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office’s spokeswoman.

    Bennett is an exceptional children’s teacher, said Theresa Perry, schools spokeswoman.

    Bennett told investigators he was trying to use a “therapeutic hold” on the girl Tuesday when she was injured, Tanna said.

    “A therapeutic hold refers to the technique used by school employees to restrain a child for a limited time in an attempt to calm the child and to prevent them from harming themselves or others,” Perry said in an e-mail.

    But just remember, schools are the safest place for students to be.

    One Response to “AN EXCEPTIONAL TEACHER”

    Comment by
    September 17th, 2010
    at 8:51 am

    Maybe your schools could use some of these teachers I was just reading about in the Chronicle of Higher Education!

    Other than providing a low-cost option in the long run, the robots are also meant to solve what Mr. Kim called a “moral problem” [of] . . .abusing children.

    . . . “That’s the reason why the government thinks about such robot systems—they don’t have any such social problems, they don’t do the drugs.”

    Demo video here.