Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » WE’RE ALL IRISH TODAY

    Filed at 8:14 am under by dcobranchi

    We’re up in NYC for a quick vacation and are heading out to the St. Patrick’s Day parade in a bit.

    I’m not wearing a spot of green.

    One Response to “WE’RE ALL IRISH TODAY”

    Comment by
    March 17th, 2011
    at 11:44 pm

    Hey we were there too on Wed/ Thurs!!! Small world, Big City!!
    I must say that the Empire State Building at Night was beautiful!!!
    My son & his girlfriend are visiting us from AZ.
    Mon/Tue we were in DC at the Smithsonian .
    My feet are sore & my bones tired from all the walking but we all had a great time.
    Home now & back to ballet Fri.

    Jessi said that Pasha told her he & his school friends used to practice their balance on releve while riding the trains when they were at the Kirov.
    Guess what she spent the last few days doing while missing ballet class???
    She was also excited to see Degas- Little Dancer sculpture in DC at the art museum.

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