Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » CALL ME (NOT!)
  • CALL ME (NOT!)

    Filed at 10:11 am under by dcobranchi

    The national Do Not Call list aimed at curbing telemarketing excess has gone live. The site is currently swamped so keep trying.

    UPDATE: Here’s a link directly to the registration page.

    HINT: The Spanish language page is working correctly. Even if you don’t read Spanish, you’ll have no problem figuring out what goes where. “Inscribir” means “Submit”; “Cambiar”, “Change.”


    When done in house, telemarketing can be expensive. Outsourcing to a company that provides outbound call center services can save you money and keep your marketing efforts legitimate by adhering to all Do Not Call regulations.

    One Response to “CALL ME (NOT!)”

    Comment by
    June 28th, 2003
    at 7:57 am

    We went to an unlisted phone number for no other reason than to stop the dang telemarketing calls. You’ll notice that even the do-not-call registry doesn’t block political or charity-soliciting calls. I hate to be antisocial but when I get home from work I want to go in my house and shut the door. I can’t stand the idea that strangers still think they need to be able to “reach out and touch” me when when I’m eating dinner, spending time with my husband and child, reading, napping, or getting ready for church on Sunday morning for pete’s sake.