Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HOMESCHOOLERS 1, DSS 0

    Filed at 9:43 pm under by dcobranchi

    The NC Supreme Court has ruled that DSS erred when it took a couple of homeschooling parents to court because they refused to allow the social worker to interview their kids.

    Investigators had received a tip that the couple’s 2-year-old daughter was running naked through their yard. The girl apparently chased a kitten into the yard, and was quickly returned to the house by an older brother.

    HSLDA and the ACLU represented the parents.

    One Response to “HOMESCHOOLERS 1, DSS 0”

    Comment by
    Joanne aka Happy Homeschooler
    July 16th, 2003
    at 9:59 pm

    I must admit I’m a bit amused at picturing the conversations between HSLDA and ACLU employees. I imagine the conversations would be like Carville and his wife. 😉