Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » A SMALL VICTORY

    Filed at 1:26 pm under by dcobranchi

    At least one advertiser pulled its ads from Part 2 of the CBS smear.

    2 Responses to “A SMALL VICTORY”

    Comment by
    October 21st, 2003
    at 4:56 pm

    Thanks so much to you & the other Bloggers & the many many homeschoolers that got the word out, called & complained, those that researched advertisers & did an all around fantasic job of bringing together homeschoolers from all walks of life.

    This CBS story has shown that homeschoolers
    will stand together against a common foe…
    While we may at times squabble amongst ourselves at times( over philosophy, religion, politics)like family noone outside of the group dare thrown stones…esp when homeschool freedom is at stake or they’ll be met with fierce resistance.
    Great Job Fellow homeschoolers & those of you that support us!!! Thanks so much!!!!!for giving CBS a black eye!!! That bully deserved it!!

    Trackback from
    Sophoristically Speaking
    October 21st, 2003
    at 10:21 pm

    claritin ad pulled from cbs

    At least one advertiser, Claritin, pulled its ads from airing during the second part of CBS’ attack on homeschooling families. “We apologize that you were displeased with our advertising placement for Claritin allergy products during the CBS nightly ne…