Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » NO PRIVACY RIGHTS AT ALL

    Filed at 9:35 am under by dcobranchi

    It’s evidently Catholic schools day at H&OES. A Chicago area school is going to randomly test all students for drug use (marijuana, cocaine, and Ecstasy). To add insult to injury, the parents will have to pay for the $60 test. It’s a private school, so they can do anything they like. I personally think it’s a bad idea and a big waste of (parent’s) money. Maybe the customers will wise up and refuse to pay.

    A NOTE TO THE KIDS: It’s really easy to beat this hair-based test. Keep you hair cut as short as possible. No hair? Nothing to test.

    UPDATE: I forgot to mention it’s an all-boys school, so the short-hair thing is eminently doable. The kids ought to start a school-wide buzz cut as a protest. Then what will the priests do? Mandate long hair for boys?

    One Response to “NO PRIVACY RIGHTS AT ALL”

    Comment by
    December 5th, 2003
    at 4:57 pm

    They’re priests. They’ll probably go for the pubic hairs.