Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THIS IS REALLY WWHS

    Filed at 5:43 am under by dcobranchi

    From the Salem, OR Statesman-Journal

    We asked: What teacher most influenced your life and why?

    Your responses:

    The teacher who has most affected my life is my mother Helene Rodgers. Mama has sacrificed so much to be able to homeschool me, and nothing, including cancer, has been successful in slowing her down. I love her so much, and am so thankful to have been blessed with her as such a central part of my life. She is my best friend, and has always been there for me, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I only hope that when I get older, I will be half of the woman she has been, and has taught me to be.

    Jessica Rodgers, age 11, Salem

    One Response to “THIS IS REALLY WWHS”

    Comment by
    Jessica Rodgers
    October 24th, 2004
    at 12:39 am

    Hey, who can resist to google themselves? Well, not me. 🙂 I’m honored that you would post the comments that I made about my fabulous mother! One quick note, the paper misprinted my age, and I was actually 13. I think. lol. If it was in 2002, then I would have been 13. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for including my tribute to my mom on your page.