Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » “GAY” IS NOT A FOUR LETTER WORD BUT “LIAR” IS

    Filed at 10:19 am under by dcobranchi

    Read this very short article and then decide if the five members of the school board who voted for this should all be fired (i.e., voted out of office). Eugene Volokh has a link to the original referral sheet.

    4 Responses to ““GAY” IS NOT A FOUR LETTER WORD BUT “LIAR” IS”

    Comment by
    Tony Rosen
    December 13th, 2003
    at 11:56 am

    *** “We feel this is revisionist history,” Choe said ***

    Hey, the g-schools are good at that ….

    Comment by
    Ed Hurst
    December 13th, 2003
    at 2:37 pm

    Tsk, tsk. Turning civilization on it’s head and calling it “progress”. As a former “professional educator” I can assure you g-schools employ — and are run by — those who failed everywhere else. Real teachers are forced to flee or sink into incompetence. “Professionalism” becomes a word meaning polically active in correct causes.

    Comment by
    December 13th, 2003
    at 2:38 pm

    Gosh, just when you think the problem is public schools cramming some brave new morality down our kids’ throats, then this sorry excuse for a teacher turns around and tries to shame a little seven-year-old over his choice of mommies. And the board backs her up. (Lying, as you say.) It’s hard keeping track of the stupidity.

    Comment by
    December 13th, 2003
    at 9:52 pm

    This story bothers me a lot. I was going to rant about it here, but then realized that there isn’t nearly enough room. (So, I took it out on my blog instead. ;-))
    I *hate* it when otherwise respectable adults behave like this.
    I hope the mother does sue – I think she’s got a decent case.