Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » WHO’S WALDO?

    Filed at 8:59 pm under by dcobranchi

    In addition to the article blogged below, The Hook has a companion piece on a famous (in Charlottesville, VA) homeschool grad, Waldo Jaquith. He’s apparently pretty accomplished at the age of 25. Best of all, he’s a blogger. But of course.

    2 Responses to “WHO’S WALDO?”

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    December 19th, 2003
    at 10:03 am

    Ah, the righteous indignation of the smart young leftie. I remember it well.

    Comment by
    Waldo Jaquith
    December 23rd, 2003
    at 6:08 pm

    Hey, without righteous indignation, what’s left? 🙂

    Thanks for the link.