Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OH, THOSE POOR STATIST EDUCRATS

    Filed at 12:11 pm under by dcobranchi

    The Washington Post has an Op/Ed that goes over the top in demonstrating how badly educrats need to control your kids. The “problem” that Richard Arum wants to solve is school discipline- or, more precisely, the courts’ interference with the “experts'” opinions about just how human g-school students are.

    Specifically, given the effects of expansion of student rights in recent decades, courts should consider strictly limiting due process protections solely to cases involving major penalties or students’ First Amendment rights. In all other cases, courts should cease interfering with teachers’ and administrators’ discretion in ordinary day-to-day school discipline and youth socialization.

    Er, no. The courts haven’t expanded kids’ rights. They merely recognized that they don’t lose all of their human rights when they get sent to jail (I mean, enroll in school).

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