Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » PINOCCHIO IN DC

    Filed at 6:45 pm under by dcobranchi

    The NEA’s chief lobbyist is a lifelong Republican. Absolutely shocking, I know. But, at least he’s a Republican with a sense of humor.

    But that doesn’t mean the union is anti-Republican, Moody said. As the manager of federal policy and politics for the NEA, a Republican himself and a fan of Goldwater, he said it’s his hope that the NEA isn’t seen as overtly partisan.

    “I’m helping the NEA and its affiliates recognize the importance of working with Republicans, being bipartisan and looking at a candidate’s public education votes regardless of party,” he said. “And on the other end, working with Republican candidates and officeholders to let them see the NEA is not an arm of the Democratic Party, and we will help Republicans if they help us.”

    Too funny.

    One Response to “PINOCCHIO IN DC”

    Comment by
    Eric Holcombe
    March 24th, 2004
    at 10:15 pm

    “he said it’s his hope that the NEA isn’t seen as overtly partisan.”

    Oh, no, I see them as equal opportunistic crooks. Anyone’s money will do….