Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » A NASTY EDITORIAL

    Filed at 10:28 pm under by dcobranchi

    The Staunton (VA) News-Leader is rapidly assuming the lead in my mental list of worst papers in the US. Here’s more evidence:

    OK. Here’s a pop quiz; who made this statement: “Just as it would be foolish for the warrior to give his arrows to his enemies, it is foolish … to give their children to be trained in schools run by the enemies of God.”

    a. Osama bin Laden

    b. Ayatollah Khomeini

    c. Bruce Shortt and T.C. Pinckney

    Although the sentiments expressed would fit nicely in the mouths of Islamic jihadists, neither the late mullah nor the current Evil One penned them; the answer is “c.” In fact, the ellipsis between the words “foolish” and “to” originally contained the words “for Christians.”

    That kind of ad hominem attack serves only to undermine whatever little logic is found in the rest of their editorial.

    Pinckney and Shortt’s object not to the American public school system’s lack of instruction in religion but its religious neutrality.

    If the g-schools were truly neutral to religion I think Pinckney would not have introduced his resolution. In fact, many schools appear to be anti-Christian. For instance, menorahs and crescent moons are not religious symbols but nativity scenes are. I understand why the schools do this. They are terrified of 1) breaching a church-state barrier and/or 2) offending a minority group. Regardless, many Christians (such as Pinckney) see this as active animosity to the religion that a plurality of Americans profess. Is it a “fatwa” to call this to the attention of his church? The News-Leader owes Pinckney a big apology.

    One Response to “A NASTY EDITORIAL”

    Trackback from
    May 30th, 2004
    at 11:03 pm

    oh, this makes my blood boil!

    America is not a theocracy

    OK. Here’s a pop quiz; who made this statement: “Just as it would be foolish for the warrior to give his arrows to his enemies, it is foolish … to give their children to be trained in schools run by the enemies of…