Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » ANOTHER COOL PHOTO

    Filed at 7:13 am under by dcobranchi

    AstroPic of the Day does it again: The Earth at Night

    2 Responses to “ANOTHER COOL PHOTO”

    Comment by
    August 22nd, 2004
    at 7:22 am

    Oh…Earth Observatory has some beautiful pics of our planet. 😀 eartho...a.gov/

    Comment by
    Brian Sassaman
    August 22nd, 2004
    at 11:33 pm

    Yay for the human race, and Thomas Edison!

    When I was in eastern Australia I was shocked when I looked up at the night sky and saw all of stars. Probably 10 times more thanI see from the eastern US. But wow, look at Africa, seems like Chad would be a great place for an observatory.

    Thanks for the link!