Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HEHDS

    Filed at 9:25 am under by dcobranchi

    Here’s a nice piece on the way dads are contributing more than just bringing home the “beans” (I guess homeschooling families can’t afford bacon).

    3 Responses to “HEHDS”

    Comment by
    August 23rd, 2004
    at 11:17 am

    I like seing fathers actively involved. 🙂
    Jeff’s planning a woodworking class this year with ours. We’ve been busy getting all the tools in order and set up in the garage, and he’s been locating and printing plans that are simple enough for the kids to work on a ‘big’ project together, as well as individual projects, safety, and general information on powertools. Who knows, if it’s successful, it might be something he can offer co-operatively another term. 🙂

    Comment by
    Skip Oliva
    August 23rd, 2004
    at 1:20 pm

    Maybe they can afford bacon, but they’re vegetarians.

    Comment by
    August 23rd, 2004
    at 3:01 pm

    Well, my husband is a vegetarian, but I bring home the beans. Or, rather, I get the money for the beans and he goes to get them. Or something.

    In any case, though I’m the breadwinner, I plan to be involved in the schooling. Heck, most moms who work outside the home do. I thought dads did as well, if homeschooling was going on. I’ll probably be the one checking the classwork.