Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OT: Socializing With The Other Bloggers
  • OT: Socializing With The Other Bloggers

    Filed at 10:55 pm under by dcobranchi

    I don’t usually meet other bloggers in person (I’ve never even met Daryl, aside from a couple conference calls), but tonight I had a lovely dinner with Jacqueline Passey, a Seattle-based blogger who is in D.C. to scout graduate economics programs. She’s also the Libertarian Party candidate for secretary of state in Washington (the state, not the city.)

    Jacqueline’s take on our evening contained the most insightful description of the District that I’ve ever read: “[T]here are these deranged, creepy bears everywhere I go.” She also has one of the three known pictures of me in the known universe. Fairly warned be thee, says I.

    One Response to “OT: Socializing With The Other Bloggers”

    Comment by
    September 1st, 2004
    at 12:10 pm

    Annoying the hell out of any government agency *is* a cool job description. 😀