Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OT: HOW MANY OUNCES IN A CUP?

    Filed at 3:19 pm under by dcobranchi

    Eight, right? Not at Wal-mart. We bought a new measuring cup there on our last camping trip. I just noticed that the cups line and the ounces line aren’t aligned. The one cup line is just slightly above the eight oz. line. The four cup line is off by a good quarter inch. So, the scales aren’t even the same. I think the cups must be in dry measurement and the ounces in liquid. Has anyone ever run into this before?

    5 Responses to “OT: HOW MANY OUNCES IN A CUP?”

    Comment by
    September 11th, 2004
    at 7:26 pm

    NO, but I did order french fries at their lunch counter once and I got exactly 22 fries, each in it’s own seqmented package. I saved it for several years and showed it to my classes as the most astonishing example of ridiculous overpackaging in living memory. Don’t know if they still do that.

    Comment by
    September 11th, 2004
    at 7:26 pm

    segmented that is.

    Comment by
    Independent George
    September 15th, 2004
    at 10:36 am

    I never understood why they would have ounces on a measuring cup to begin with. ‘Cups’ are a measure of volume, which is constant. Ounces measure weight, which will vary depending on the density of the liquid.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    September 15th, 2004
    at 10:41 am

    There are two types of ounces- liquid and dry. There are 8 liquid ounces in a cup, 16 cups in a US gallon.

    Comment by
    Reese Datvette
    December 31st, 2004
    at 10:20 am

    In my house we were using a coffee maker that measured 8oz cups. Then we got a new coffee maker and that manufacturer calls 4ozs a cup. WHY? So they can say theirs makes more cups? Wish they would get on the same 8oz page. What if carpenters did this. Could you inagine? “OH the house is different from your plans because I used what “I” call an inch.”