Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THE HUNTER AND THE HUNTED

    Filed at 11:34 pm under by dcobranchi

    I know that, as a free market kind of guy, I should appreciate the deeper meaning of this kind of initiative:

    The Mounds View public school district has spent $15,000 to produce an infomercial to attract students to its schools.

    Such marketing is not unusual among private schools, but it is a sign of changing times among public school districts with declining enrollments as they compete for students and the state money that follows them.

    “If we can recruit three students, we have recovered the cost,” said Colin Sokolowski, the district’s public relations director.

    While it’s refreshing to see public school officials essentially admitting that their system is really just one choice among three options, I … wait, did you hear a click?

    [Mounds View School Board Chairman Mark] Kimball says the district wants to retain its current students and recruit nonpublic students in the district as well as students from out of the district. Charter-school and home-schooled students, too, are targets.

    Why is the hair on the back of my neck standing up?

    3 Responses to “THE HUNTER AND THE HUNTED”

    Comment by
    Eric Holcombe
    January 26th, 2005
    at 8:36 am

    Cigarette-Smoking Man raises from the scope trained on Tim’s head and takes a long drag. As he exhales, “I can get you anytime I want Haas, but not today…”

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    January 26th, 2005
    at 9:09 am

    Oh, great — now I’ll never be able to look at my neighbor’s attic window the same way again.

    Comment by
    January 26th, 2005
    at 10:06 am

    Cigarette Smoking Man would never stoop to simple assassination. it would have to be a much more devious and complicated plot, probably involving aliens.