Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » SNOWBALLS IN VERMONT OR HELL?

    Filed at 2:23 pm under by dcobranchi

    I really don’t know anything about VT politics, so I have no idea if this bill stands a chance. Given other states’ experiences with voucher proposals, though, I’d bet that the odds are long:

    H.19, a bill that proposes to allow parents to send children to any public school, and that school must accept the student(s) as long as their is space in the classroom. It would also require the state to pay $5,000 for students in grades 9 through 12 and $2,500 for students in grades K-8 to attend secular or sectarian independent schools once the student is accepted. In the case of home schooling, the state would have to pay $1,000 for students in grades 9 through 12 and $500 for students in grades K-8 for a year’s worth of education. The bill is sponsored by Carolyn Branagan (Fairfax, Georgia) and is currently in House Education;

    5 Responses to “SNOWBALLS IN VERMONT OR HELL?”

    Comment by
    Helen Hegener
    January 27th, 2005
    at 2:31 pm

    Daryl, if the state is paying – “$1,000 for students in grades 9 through 12 and $500 for students in grades K-8” – how would this be construed as homeschooling?

    Comment by
    January 27th, 2005
    at 2:50 pm

    I read it as the state would pay parents $500 or $1000 to homeschool. I could very well be wrong.

    Comment by
    January 27th, 2005
    at 3:34 pm

    Is this GA or Vermont?

    Comment by
    January 27th, 2005
    at 3:40 pm


    Comment by
    Eric Holcombe
    January 27th, 2005
    at 4:37 pm

    I read it as the state will pay them $1000 to shut up and let the state keep the other $4000 for doing absolutely nothing.

    And, I’m willing to be the public school spends a lot more than $5k/student. If nothing else, the state/local money gets supplemented with federal tax dollars.