Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » MONEY FOR NOTHIN’?

    Filed at 7:38 am under by dcobranchi

    The Wayne County (NC) Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring $500 grants to local teachers:

    The Wayne Charitable Partnership and the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce announces the availability of mini-grants for instructional projects for the 2004-2005 school year. The mini-grants are an attempt to encourage teachers, media coordinators, and guidance counselors to originate and implement innovative projects by making funds available to them. The goal of the mini-grant program is to improve the quality of learning by supporting projects that show promise of benefiting students.

    The competitive grants are open to all public and private school teachers. AND home educators.

    One Response to “MONEY FOR NOTHIN’?”

    Comment by
    Eric Holcombe
    January 31st, 2005
    at 1:21 pm

    Hmmm…there do not appear to be any residency requirements. ;o)

    So, what do you think? A small step for a homeschooler, a giant leap for state regulation?

    It would be interesting to find out how the board decisions shake out.