Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HOW THE TOP HALF LIVES

    Filed at 9:11 am under by dcobranchi

    See how the owner class frolics while we slaves keep humming the machinery of their capitalist domination?

    8 Responses to “HOW THE TOP HALF LIVES”

    Comment by
    July 22nd, 2005
    at 1:02 pm

    We really need to work on Daryl’s beer skills. He served an inferior beer to a Brit? He’s an embarrassment to the country 😉

    Comment by
    July 22nd, 2005
    at 8:10 pm

    Now hang on there boy,

    As I see that beach picture, it is me and the kids (child labour) manually covering you with the cooling and soothing sands of Ormond.

    I am just glad you didn’t start demanding asses milk to help with your baby soft complexion.

    Had a great time mate and don’t listen to Chris, there isn’t a decent beer in America! (Having said that I am openminded to anyone who wants to convince me otherwise.)

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 22nd, 2005
    at 9:31 pm

    Mr. Peach, sir, this post was the work of Mr. Cobranchi’s back-up blogger/cabana boy, sir. I’m sorry to have misled you, sir. I’ll be soundly beaten for it when Mr. Cobranchi returns, sir.

    Comment by
    July 23rd, 2005
    at 1:09 am

    Mike, may I suggest a tour of the brewpubs of the West Coast (especially the Pacific Northwest). Among the countless fine local beers and ales you’re sure to find something to like.

    Brilliant scenery, too.

    Comment by
    July 23rd, 2005
    at 7:56 am

    Ah Tim

    I must read everything before responding mustn’t I?


    Comment by
    July 23rd, 2005
    at 9:20 am


    I can assure you there is good beer brewed in this country – but you won’t find it in the grocery store.

    If any of these places are close you might want to check it out. beer10...da.htm

    Comment by
    July 24th, 2005
    at 1:48 pm

    It was a Yuengling Black & Tan. The supposedly Irish pub we were in didn’t have Guiness on tap. It did have it in those strange bottles with the CO2 cartridges. Yuengling was the better choice.

    And I see Mike completely omitted any reference to him hitting on the pretty bar maid who took the photos.

    Comment by
    July 24th, 2005
    at 5:21 pm

    Now, now Daryl. I was merely being friendly and she wasn’t that pretty. Mind you, if we had had a few more beers……

    (But then again she would have had to have drunk alot more than us!)