Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OT: WHAT!? NO “FREEDOM PASTRIES”!?

    Filed at 6:50 am under by dcobranchi

    Now here’s something you don’t see every day. Canada and Denmark are involved in negotiations over ownership of a tiny island in the Arctic. What makes this case more interesting than the many other border disputes? Well, two regular Joes are “assisting” their governments by taking out Google Ads. I guess whoever gets the most click-throughs gets the island? At least the bureacracies are taking it all in stride:

    “Notwithstanding the disputed area, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Ministry is allowing its cafeteria to sell Danish pastries as a goodwill gesture towards the Danish government and people,” ministry spokesman Reynald Doiron said.

    One Response to “OT: WHAT!? NO “FREEDOM PASTRIES”!?”

    Comment by
    July 29th, 2005
    at 8:08 pm

    Anyone read “Something Rotten” by Jasper Fforde? In the book Danish pasteries are actually banned when a politican decides to blame Denmark for everything.