Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DON’T EAT THAT, ELMER!

    Filed at 9:47 am under by dcobranchi

    Holy moley, now even coming home from school each day is a “transition” to be managed by opening one’s wallet:

    Parents who want to help their young children transition more easily from school to home have a new resource to help them do just that. The After School Snacks program is the inspiration of Gaithersburg, Maryland mom, Virtual Assistant, and former teacher. Goldberg’s program includes the After School Snacks e-book, a monthly newsletter, and a website filled with resources. It addresses the need parents and children have to create a positive, meaningful — yet also easy and quick — daily ritual that can be easily implemented in spite of hectic schedules.

    Well, at least this is one faux problem we home educators will never be badgered to … whoa!

    “I’ve been doing the After School Snacks thing for four years, and it’s been hugely successful, shares Goldberg from her Gaithersburg home office. “I’ve given it to other parents, and THEY have found it to be effective in their homes. Even my homeschooling friends use it — their kids need snacks, energy, and a chance to transition just like kids who go to school outside the home.

    3 Responses to “DON’T EAT THAT, ELMER!”

    Comment by
    September 19th, 2005
    at 11:42 am

    After school snack consulting…I wish I had thought of it first.

    What other obvious life enhancing ideas can we sell to the the schoolie parents?

    Comment by
    Brian Sassaman
    September 19th, 2005
    at 1:13 pm

    In my community, somebody started a tutoring academy for “supplementing” the math and science the kids get at school. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

    Comment by
    Joanne the Happy HSer
    September 19th, 2005
    at 5:01 pm

    Crazy and scary. I blogged about it this am.