Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » SCHOOL TO WORK?

    Filed at 6:11 am under by dcobranchi

    Joanne Jacobs reports that FL is set to force high schoolers to declare a “major” in the 9th grade. Is this the dumbest idea in the history of “education reform”? I knew what I wanted to do for a living in 10th grade, but I was the extremely rare exception. My very successful younger brother started out as business major, then computer science, and ended up letting me talk him into chemistry. In college. How the hell does the state expect a ninth-grader to have a clue what they want to be when they grow up?

    4 Responses to “SCHOOL TO WORK?”

    Comment by
    March 24th, 2006
    at 8:03 am

    It’s not about what the kid wants to be. It’s what the state wants them to be. I’m sure there will be plenty of “guidance” available for confused 9th graders.

    Comment by
    March 24th, 2006
    at 9:51 am

    Iowa has something similar in the works which just boggles my mind. And the proposed legislation (why we need it legislated I don’t know?!) even has the poor student signing a “contract”! Ack!!

    Comment by
    March 24th, 2006
    at 2:59 pm

    Bobbi if you have the proposed legislation could you please email it to me? I like to keep up on where various states are on this. Further COD is on the right track. This has nothing to do with what the child wants. That should be totally obvious by now.

    Comment by
    Mary Nix
    March 25th, 2006
    at 11:36 am


    Ohio’s Governor Taft recently suggested new standards for Ohio high schools.

    Personally, I find it sad that educrats and legislators believe that continuing to pile these new fangled requirements on children to comply with what, how and when will force children to learn.

    Here’s a snippet and a link to the article:

    The governor wants to require that Ohio high-school students take a curriculum that includes four years of math, including Algebra 2; three years of science; and two years of a foreign language.

    Students may opt out of the core curriculum with a signed waiver from a parent, but that would disqualify a student from enrolling in a state-funded, four-year college or university under Taft’s plan.

    The governor’s draft legislation provides exceptions to that rule for students enrolling at Youngstown State University, Central State University and Shawnee State University.


    Mary Nix