Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » IT’S A REALLY SMALL WORLD

    Filed at 6:18 am under by dcobranchi

    What are the chances that I’d randomly come across an article that mentions the small-town church that I grew up in?

    This outward-looking, evangelical Catholicism is also alive and well, as these communities grow in such Bible Belt bastions as Chattanooga, Tenn.; Atlanta; Tyler, Texas; Little Rock, Ark.; and Taylors, S.C. A surprising percentage of these priestly vocations and attendees are converts or reverts to the faith.

    I know for a fact that it’s the same Catholic church, as Prince of Peace had to get special permission from the Vatican to offer the Latin Mass.

    And, in case you’re wondering, there was a tiny homeschooling angle to this. From the bioblurb:

    Brian Mershon is a commentator on cultural issues from a classical Catholic perspective. His trade is in media relations, and his vocation is as a husband to his beloved wife Tracey and father to his six living children. He attempts to assist his family and himself in attaining eternal salvation through frequent attendance at the Traditional Latin rite of Mass, homeschooling, and building Catholic culture in the buckle of the Bible Belt of Greenville, South Carolina.

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