Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » LETTER OF THE DAY

    Filed at 7:20 pm under by dcobranchi

    Starbucks– the new pushers.

    Teenagers need to realize caffeine addiction problem

    I have always been astounded by the amount of teens that drink caffeinated beverages on a daily basis.

    As a rising freshmen headed to college, I have seen this problem worsen throughout my high school years. Many of my peers found it impossible to get through the day (and night) without some sort of caffeine to stimulate them.

    I once knew a girl who drank three energy drinks a day and stayed up all night, only accumulating an average of around four hours of sleep.

    This is not healthy. Our bodies need natural sleep in order to be refreshed. The article recently printed in the Life section (Teen Caffeine Scene, June 9) only reaffirms my observations.

    Regardless of how widely available or legal caffeine is, it is still possible to become addicted. Teens need to realize how a caffeine addiction affects their bodies with long-term use.

    Knowledge and learning are necessary parts of well-being and help to make a habit out of keeping bodies healthy.

    Klare Frank, Elkton, Md

    Addictive? Not exactly. Yeah, serious coffee nerds (myself included) can get a caffeine headache if they don’t have a cup in the morning (Two double espressos, please). But, the headache is gone by the afternoon, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t mug an old lady in order to be able to feed my monkey.

    2 Responses to “LETTER OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    June 13th, 2006
    at 7:39 pm

    The bigger problems she’s trying to address in her letter is the sleep deprivation of teens. Their natural sleep cycle is “off” to most of the world. Starting school later in the day cures a lot of problems.

    Comment by
    damaged justice
    June 14th, 2006
    at 1:54 pm

    Well gosh, why don’t they just make caffeine illegal for sale and use to those under 18? That would solve everything!