I had seen this 16-year-old’s anti-war videos a while back, but I just learned that she’s an HEK. I’m not surprised.
Related Tags: homeschooling, home education
7 Responses to “POWERFUL STUFF”
Comment by Nance Confer June 27th, 2006 at 10:51 am |
Powerful indeed! Thanks for posting the link. Now, I have to go hug the kids. Nance |
Comment by COD June 27th, 2006 at 11:03 am |
I watched several, and found them to be rather pedestrian. I know she is only 15, but she seems to be getting most of her data from Kos. There are a lot of good arguments against the war and the current administration. President Bush spending an extra 8 minutes to finish reading to the kids in FL on 9/11 isn’t one of them (she makes a big deal out of it in the 9/11 video). |
Comment by Daryl Cobranchi June 27th, 2006 at 11:29 am |
The one that hit me hard the first time I saw it was pictures of kids and parents, crying, bloody. With the music “Jesus Loves Me” playing in the background. I don’t remember the name. |
Comment by Daryl Cobranchi June 27th, 2006 at 11:31 am |
Comment by COD June 27th, 2006 at 12:11 pm |
But she is deliberately dishonest. In WWJD, the quote at the beginning, and the air raid sirens at the end are there for the singular purpose of implying that the injured children in the presentation were injured by Americans, and that is just patently false. I’ll bet dollars to donuts (to borrow your phrase) that everyone of those kids was injured in violence initiated by other Arabs. Reasonable people can disagree on whether or not they’d be better off if we had never gone to war. They might be happy and healthy, or they might be orphans after Saddam’s goon squads killed their parents. We don’t know. I think it’s obvious that our intel was very very bad on what Saddam was really capable of militarily, and that the decision to invade Iraq was based on bad data. But the “Bush lied” and “It’s all about oil” crowd she has aligned herself with are adding absolutely nothing useful to the debate |
Comment by Daryl Cobranchi June 27th, 2006 at 12:20 pm |
I disagree. There was plenty of good intelligence prior to invading. The 16 words were shown to be false weeks before the SotU. Ditto with the aluminum tubes. In every case leading up to the war, Bush, Cheney, Rice, and Powell picked the absolute most dire interpretation of the data in order to scare us into war. I don’t know what their motives were. Whether it really was oil. Or the PNAC. Or just a desire to have a permanent American presence in the Gulf. Whatever their motives were, it was obvious AT THE TIME that they were not interested in avoiding war. The Downing Street memo merely confirmed what we already knew. Bush & Cheney WANTED to go to war. And 2500+ Americans and 50,000 Iraqis are dead because of it. |
Comment by Nance Confer June 27th, 2006 at 6:19 pm |
I think her perspective is the most personal kind. Not to debate whether a child might have lost an eye on another day if we hadn’t invaded. But to show what it is like now that we have. And if you support the invasion, that’s part of what you have to live with. Just like those of us who did not support the invasion. Very uncomfortable to watch — for everyone on all sides of the nicely air-conditioned debate on this side of the ocean. Nance |