Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » GET ‘EM UP AGAINST THE WALL

    Filed at 6:51 am under by dcobranchi

    Nothing like a bit of fascistic ramblings to start the day. Another LotD from the fine readers of the Wilmington (DE) News-Journal:

    Members of Congress should stop press from questioning government

    I find it hard to believe that our elected officials in Washington can condone reports by the Los Angeles Times, New York Times and Wall Street Journal about efforts to curb terrorism by tracking the flow of money to such organizations.

    When do these individual say enough is enough? Would this story have been published in 1941 while fighting World War II? Sen. Joseph Biden was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee once. When does he start to use some of his legal education to investigate this abuse of the First Amendment?

    Is Sen. Thomas Carper going to stand up and stop reporting that undermines our national security and is a slap in the face to our troops abroad?

    When will Rep. Mike Castle display his party’s long history of support to our common defense?

    Talk is cheap, gentlemen. It is time that you all do your duty.

    Dan Brown Jr., Claymont

    One Response to “GET ‘EM UP AGAINST THE WALL”

    Comment by
    Skip Oliva
    June 28th, 2006
    at 12:56 pm

    Conservatives should take note of the Founding Fathers they are always invoking. Here’s the original Pennsylvania Constitution’s statement on press freedom:

    “The printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of government.”