Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » PSA: SURVEY SAYS…

    Filed at 3:23 am under by dcobranchi

    A study is underway to learn more about homeschooling parents¡¦ practice of parenting styles as well as their parental strengths and concerns.

    You are invited to participate in an online survey if you
    * are currently home schooling a child between the ages of 10 to 14, and
    * have been home schooling this child for at least 1 year.

    Please go to http://spaces.msn.com/HomeSchoolParenting and find out more about this study.

    Best regards,
    Wen-Hsing Cheng, M.S., CFLE

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    6 Responses to “PSA: SURVEY SAYS…”

    Comment by
    June 29th, 2006
    at 10:41 am

    Is this study legal? It’s not sponsored by HSLDA! 🙂

    Sounds like it’ll be interesting. One of the things I love about homeschooling is the wide range of parents and parenting styles I’ve personally seen that have been successful.

    Darren (an HSLDA lawyer)

    Comment by
    June 29th, 2006
    at 10:51 am

    That’s one of the most anonymous surveys I’ve seen. It doesn’t even ask for your email, if you want to know the results you have to actually send an email to the researcher or the academic advisor requesting it.

    Comment by
    Tammy Takahashi
    June 29th, 2006
    at 2:45 pm

    The results of this survey will wholy depend on which homeschool groups catch wind of its existence, and who decides to take it. Of course, this is true of any survey. The results might be interesting, but will be based on the sample, not on the homeschooling community as a whole.

    Just felt the need to underline that point that you guys already know 🙂 And, this doesn’t mean I won’t be curious about the results 🙂


    Comment by
    June 29th, 2006
    at 5:02 pm

    Well, Tammy, I certainly did my part to skew the sample. We’ll see!

    Comment by
    Tammy Takahashi
    June 29th, 2006
    at 7:33 pm

    Heh, I would too, if my kids were old enough 🙂

    Comment by
    June 30th, 2006
    at 6:31 am

    I didn’t bother since my daughter doesn’t mean the age requirement, but someone I know did, and this was her feedback

    “Personally, I don’t think the student’s advisor and/or committee went over the
    questions very well. Some of the questions and given responses often caused me
    to skip the question. One of the questions asks if as a parent I have time to
    attend my child’s school activities. Hello?!”