This Op/Ed, in the Wilmington News-Journal, wins the author the coveted HE&OS Idiot of the Day award. Seems he really hates the idea of nursing in public:
It used to cost the publishers of National Geographic thousands to send photographers to far-off lands to get pictures of women breast-feeding their children.
Now they need go no further than an airliner or the Charcoal Pit to get the same kind of copy.
What used to be acceptable only in Papua, New Guinea or Botswana has now been adopted as the norm by a certain segment of our community.
And it goes downhill from there.
It really is kind of refreshing to hear a proud misogynist stand up for his (Neanderthal) beliefs.
He got blasted to smithereens in the comments section.
UPDATE: I wonder if this is the same Thomas Beach:
Thomas Beach, III, a partner in the Baltimore office serves on the Advisory Board of the Dick Gelfman Ride Across Maryland that coordinates a motorcycle ride from various points to Ocean City, MD to raise money to support the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation.
Right part of the state. But surely someone actively raising money for breast cancer work would know the negative correlation between nursing and breast cancer.
Can’t be him. Can it?
4 Responses to “THE LAW(YER) IS A ASS”
![]() Comment by CDS in NV March 14th, 2007 at 8:09 am |
Oh, of course it can. |
![]() Comment by Bonnie March 14th, 2007 at 9:52 am |
I love this reader’s comment: “I am all for it ladies. Let’s go get lunch and can I bring my camera (just kiddin). ” What a jerk that writer is! I wonder if he realizes that in many states a mom is not even required to cover herself at all to breastfeed. In NC even nipple exposure is not considered indecent exposure while breastfeeding. Not that I would show one. Well…I might to get on this guy’s nerves. |
![]() Comment by Karen E March 14th, 2007 at 2:22 pm |
Guys like that idiot think real breasts look like Janet Jackson’s or Pamela Anderson’s. If he had a look at mine after nursing three kids, he’d put his stupid camera away. |
![]() Comment by Dawn March 14th, 2007 at 6:43 pm |
You forgot the “…and run away,” bit Karen. I’ve had two babies on mine and they just ain’t that purdy any more. 🙂 |