Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » FREEP THIS POLL

    Filed at 8:15 am under by dcobranchi

    Carlotta pointed to an AOL poll on whether home education is a good idea.

    3 Responses to “FREEP THIS POLL”

    Comment by
    March 24th, 2007
    at 10:44 am

    Love how they say “dangers of homeschooling” in the above article. Think it’s biased at all?

    Comment by
    March 26th, 2007
    at 9:03 am

    The article itself also says that approx. 50,000 families home educate, which translates to about 150,000 homeschooled kids. ???

    Comment by
    March 30th, 2007
    at 12:49 am

    You’d be quite right to question this number, whereever it is supposed to apply, Lori. It was a figure that appears to have been made up by the MSM some time back to apply to numbers of home educators in the UK, but even though the best research to date now puts the likely figure at around 50, 000 he kids in UK, the MSM still perpetuates this myth on a regular basis.