Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE

    Filed at 10:02 am under by dcobranchi

    This article, on the bursting of the private equity market, is just plain scary. If it bleeds over into equities in any significant manner, we might not see 14,000 on the Dow again for a very long time.

    3 Responses to “IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE”

    Comment by
    August 7th, 2007
    at 10:40 am

    Can someone explain to a non-economist what the “private equity market” is? My economics background is exactly one half-year high school course.

    Comment by
    August 7th, 2007
    at 11:16 am

    Wikipedia is your friend Darren.

    Comment by
    August 7th, 2007
    at 2:38 pm

    Thank you, Mr. Chris. After reading that, I can see now why Daryl said the original article was scary.