Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OMG!
  • OMG!

    Filed at 5:54 pm under by dcobranchi

    How does something like this happen?! Eight years old? My youngest is 8.

    3 Responses to “OMG!”

    Comment by
    November 19th, 2007
    at 10:44 pm

    My brother lives in Acworth – it’s redneckville. I’ll see if there is more to the story. 8 year olds should be afraid of catching cooties if they touch a a girl. I’m guessing this is a learned behavior, although I afraid to start thinking about where they learned it.

    Comment by
    November 20th, 2007
    at 5:36 pm

    I afraid to start thinking about where they learned it.

    Me too. I hope some more of those rednecks take whoever it was that exposed these kids to such out and lose him in a swamp somewhere.

    Comment by
    November 21st, 2007
    at 2:09 am

    This was picked up as a blurb on our CBC radio evening news. My 8 year old son heard it (we were having supper at the time) and asked “what’s rape mean?”

    I’m a little ashamed to say I skirted the question. What 8 year ever, EVER needs to know what that is, let alone how to do it?

    WTF doesn’t begin to cover it, does it?