Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » COMMENT OF THE DAY

    Filed at 5:37 am under by dcobranchi

    Over at Scott Somerville’s. I’m not quite sure what EVILUTION has to do with establishing paternity and Scott’s role in one or the other.

    7 Responses to “COMMENT OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    November 20th, 2007
    at 9:47 am

    I read that comment 3 times. It makes even less sense on the 2nd and 3rd reading.

    Comment by
    November 20th, 2007
    at 10:54 am

    Her profile is equally obscure.

    Comment by
    November 20th, 2007
    at 3:40 pm

    Wait, is Scott the babydaddy? Is God? I’m so confused here. But my appetite has certainly been “wetted.”

    Comment by
    November 20th, 2007
    at 7:09 pm

    My brain hurts after trying to read that.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    November 21st, 2007
    at 9:11 am

    It’s a painful read.

    But very educational.

    No need to actually know anything about your family heritage. We are all His children. Ta da!


    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    November 21st, 2007
    at 1:26 pm

    You know it could be a troll trying to make fundamentalists look stupid, the way a troll will pretend to be a homeschooler for the same reason?

    I saw a mysterious “homeschool” blog visiting at Snook today and followed the link. It’s a brand new blog shell with all of us here on the blogroll — there’s nothing there EXCEPT us, and no profile or ID etc — just a wordpress email address for “howdy.”

    It could be an outgrowth of the HSB blog awards thing, I guess. I was out of the loop last week. But if none of us knows who this is, it would make me assume a troll behind it, just as I would assume if Scott doesn’t know this oddly commenting commenter.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    November 22nd, 2007
    at 11:44 am

    Make who look what? It would be too easy to take that opening, wouldn’t it? No, it wouldn’t be right. . . 🙂
