Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OBLIGATORY MOON PICS

    Filed at 6:50 am under by dcobranchi

    All shot hand held as I couldn’t find my tripod. 🙂


    9 Responses to “OBLIGATORY MOON PICS”

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    February 21st, 2008
    at 8:19 am

    No pictures here but we did enjoy running out to stare at the different stages.

    I need an explanation on why the moon looked red at full eclipse. Got one handy? 🙂


    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    February 21st, 2008
    at 11:14 am

    The moon will appear to be red because the only light hitting it “comes from dim sunlight filtered red by Earth’s atmosphere and refracted into Earth’s shadow,” Todd Carlson, assistant editor of the Canadian astronomy magazine SkyNews, said in an article on its website.

    It’s red for the same reason that sunsets are red. The blue light is scattered more widely (Rayleigh scatter).

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    February 21st, 2008
    at 12:20 pm

    Very cool. Thanks! 🙂


    Comment by
    February 21st, 2008
    at 12:37 pm

    What camera did you use? You got pictures by hand than I did with a tripod.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    February 21st, 2008
    at 1:58 pm

    An older version of this one. It’s a very good camera.

    Comment by
    February 21st, 2008
    at 5:19 pm

    I haven’t got my pictures up yet (been listening to Alfie Kohn all day). I had to fiddle with the shutter speed as the automatic setting kept overcompensating on the exposure time and I got a few that are large blurs. Once I put the control on manual, then they looked OK.

    Gad, was it ffffffreezing out, though. +10F with wind.

    I was lucky to get the first half of the progression. Clouds moved in just as the moon turned red and we’ve had sleet and snizzle ever since. (to me, sleet is icier than snizzle — snowy drizzle)

    Comment by
    February 21st, 2008
    at 6:46 pm

    What settings did you use? You got so much more detail than I did, and I used a small telephoto.

    I was shooting ISO 1600, f5/6 @ 1/30th

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    February 21st, 2008
    at 7:25 pm

    For all of them but the “pumpkin” I shot f3.3 with the telephoto full out (400 mm). ISO 100 or 200. 1/500 – 1/1000 sec. The photos were intentionally underexposed.

    On a lark I shot the last one in fully automatic mode. It was 1/4 sec exposure. That’s why the hand shake is so visible.

    Comment by
    February 21st, 2008
    at 7:51 pm

    My first ones were on automatic, aperture priority, which is what I gauged the manual settings from.

    Next time, I’ll prepare in advance (duh), and refresh my memory on appropriate settings.

    Too many hobbies, too little time.