This has to be the worst editorial yet written on the CA homeschoolers. Not because of the paper’s editorial stance, though. They simply don’t have one. Here’s the editorial minus a couple of really long quotes:
Those of us who remember Jack O’Connell as a state legislator representing Ventura County value his good sense.
It was evidenced again last week in his response, as the state superintendent of public instruction, to the 2nd District Court of Appeal’s Feb, 28 ruling about a Lynwood couple who home-school their children.
The court opinion, which stated, “Parents do not have a constitutional right to home-school their children” and that parents who do home-school must have a teaching credential, inspired anxiety among the estimated tens of thousands of home-schooling families in California.
That anxiety lingers, as this case will be appealed.
However, Supt. O’Connell sought to allay fears when he asked for a legal review of the ruling by the California Department of Education.
The case heard by the Court of Appeal, brought to light that there is little to no enforcement of the broad guidelines outlined by the California Department of Education regarding home schooling. It is allowed if parents enroll their children in independent-study programs run by public or private schools, hire a credentialed tutor or file paperwork that they are operating as a private school.
State officials say it is the school districts’ responsibility to enforce those rules, but many families home-school their children without informing anyone.
Although there are thousands of home-schooling success stories, such lax oversight means some children are denied any education at all.
Unfortunately, the Court of Appeal, instead of addressing this weakness in the system, would, if its ruling were enforced, make home schooling impractical for most families.
We look forward to a future court ruling or legislation that reflects Supt. O’Connell’s good sense.
One Response to “PHONING IT IN”
Comment by Sunniemom March 17th, 2008 at 9:41 am |
Although there are thousands of home-schooling success stories, such lax oversight means some children are denied any education at all. Which leaves us with that oldie-but-a-goodie “Innocent until proven guilty”. |