Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DEAN STIEFEL

    Filed at 6:25 pm under by dcobranchi

    Katelyn’s in heaven. She auditioned for NCSA again today. The new dean was there. Ethan Stiefel is a phenomenal dancer and the star of Katelyn’s all-time favorite movie, Center Stage. Katelyn got to talk to him and got his and his girlfriend’s (Gillian Murphy) autographs on her pointe shoes. Murphy just happens to be Katelyn’s idol.

    And the audition went well, too. 🙂

    2 Responses to “DEAN STIEFEL”

    Comment by
    April 19th, 2008
    at 8:40 pm

    Awesome! Our fingers are crossed for her. Keep us posted!

    Comment by
    Lisa Giebitz
    April 19th, 2008
    at 11:37 pm

    That’s so exciting!

    Best wishes to her! 🙂