at local Hillary supporters. Today’s QOTD:
They said they believe Clinton is the more experienced candidate and that Obama usurped her.
“If Obama had chosen wisely, we wouldn’t be in this position,” Groll said.
I guess Obama was supposed to wait at the back of the bus line?
![]() Comment by Toni May 14th, 2008 at 8:41 am |
It sounds like blind denial , along with a hefty dose of illogic, to me– like they are saying Obama has stolen the throne. I guess they refuse to look at the numbers. |
![]() Comment by Nance Confer May 14th, 2008 at 1:02 pm |
And if all those women would just stay home, men wouldn’t have such a hard time finding jobs! Same asshatted thinking, different pantsuit. Nance |
![]() Comment by Lisa Giebitz May 15th, 2008 at 12:37 pm |
Nance kinda got it before I did. Hillary supporters aren’t behaving any worse than the many (male) Obama supporters saying in various op-eds saying that it’s ALL OVER. SHE SHOULD JUST GO HOME ALREADY, THAT CRAZY BITCH! HOW DARE SHE KEEP RUNNING! All she is doing is what pretty much every other candidate did before her: run until the convention. |
![]() Comment by Lisa Giebitz May 15th, 2008 at 12:40 pm |
Full disclosure: I won’t decide until the convention who I’m going to vote for in the general. So no, I’m not a Hillary-supporter or an Obama-supporter. |
![]() Comment by Daryl Cobranchi May 15th, 2008 at 12:46 pm |
I don’t have a problem with her running in the 5 remaining contests. I do have serious problems with her running a negative campaign. Why try to drive up Obama’s negatives? Let McCain try to do that. Fortunately, Hillary seems to have toned down the negativism since Tuesday night. But I disagree that Obama supporters are just as bad. I don’t see anyone saying that Hillary should know her place. That’s basically what Marena’s said about Obama. |
![]() Comment by Lisa Giebitz May 15th, 2008 at 2:43 pm |
They’ve picked up on several cases of it at Shakesville and Feministe. And those are just the two I read everyday. |
![]() Comment by Daryl Cobranchi May 15th, 2008 at 3:39 pm |
I stand corrected. There’s at least one completely stupid Obama supporter/Hillary hater. I’m sure there are more. Still doesn’t excuse Marena, though. |
![]() Comment by JJ Ross May 16th, 2008 at 7:13 pm |
It’s a false dichotomy and you lose if you let yourself be baited into seeing the sides as women versus blacks. The real sides at stake in this election are more divisive identity politics claiming turf and turns and defenerence based on stereotypical asshattedness, or NOT. (I choose not, how bout y’all?) OTOH, although I don’t read political sites from any POV very often, I do notice — all by myself! — that Obama is married to a bona fide woman while Hillary is NOT married to a bona fide black man (no matter what they used to call Bill just for being cooler than Ross Perot and Bush the Elder, which is pretty faint praise!) So that may explain why her camp can’t get the divisiveness working for them quite as well . . . Maybe that’s why there’s less tolerance for (even among women) coming from the Clinton camp than vice versa? |
![]() Comment by Daryl Cobranchi May 16th, 2008 at 8:11 pm |
In the latest trainwreck of a post over there, the prediction is now that women are not only going to stay home or help elect McSame, they’re going to start a 3rd party. Like that would help anything. |
![]() Comment by JJ Ross May 16th, 2008 at 10:51 pm |
Somebody better tell NARAL then! |
![]() Comment by JJ Ross May 18th, 2008 at 3:52 pm |
Sunday’s NYT Magazine has a pretty balanced piece on this today (from a mom’s low heat, non-partisan yet troubledview of it as mixed messages for our daughters) — |
![]() Comment by JJ Ross May 23rd, 2008 at 4:48 pm |
Did you hear — can you believe? — what she’s said now? Her latest rationale for staying in the race is that Obama could always be assassinated like Bobby Kennedy was in the summer leading to the convention, and then she would “win” after all . . . |
![]() Comment by Daryl Cobranchi May 23rd, 2008 at 6:26 pm |
JJ, I’m not sure that’s what she meant. She states that Bill clinched it in June. And then she mentions Kennedy almost in the vein that everyone remembers that horrible day in June right after he essentially clinched the nomination. For her generation it was almost like 9/11. Heck, I was six at the time and I remember the funeral on TV. |
![]() Comment by Daryl Cobranchi May 23rd, 2008 at 8:20 pm |
I take it back. This is the second time she has invoked Kennedy’s assassination. Is evil too strong a word? |
![]() Comment by JJ Ross May 23rd, 2008 at 9:40 pm |
Keith Olbermann just said that it doesn’t matter whether she meant it that way or not, that her incomprehension of why she can’t invoke it the horror of political assassination in her own political angling, and then her apologizing to the Kennedys but not to Barack Obama who lives under routine death threats, automatically disqualifies her as president of the real America. That we cannot forgive her this. One of her defenders on the Chris Matthews show this afternoon –Somebody Harwood — said yes, it was “ghoulish” but she didn’t mean it that way and she was running on fumes, but she was decent and so he couldn’t believe anything bad of her. It made me think that even if she WAS most ready on Day One for that 3 am phone call, she’d be tired and out of touch and bad news on Day Two etc etc . . . And also it made me realize that the difference is that I like many other folks don’t really think she’s “decent” as a politician, but ruthless. I think she’s shown us who she is (as Oprah says) over and over and over, and we should BELIEVE her — |
![]() Pingback from Writing Lost Girls Into NeverLand Story | Cocking A Snook! May 11th, 2013 at 12:14 pm |
[…] Daryl discusses the online feminist vitriol here, and the NYT Sunday Magazine takes it very seriously in “The Hillary Factor.” […] |