Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » GOOD FOR HER!

    Filed at 4:45 pm under by dcobranchi

    Michele Obama is breaking ground on the first White House vegetable garden since WWII. I think it’s an excellent idea, but the Obamas are kidding themselves if they think they’ll be able to plant an 1100 square foot raised bed garden for $200. The berry plants alone could easily set them back that much.

    I’m getting ready for planting season down here. Hot peppers are germinating and almost ready to go in some soil. Indoors, of course.

    9 Responses to “GOOD FOR HER!”

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    March 20th, 2009
    at 6:16 pm

    Oh, did you see the guys with the White House Bus Project, who’ve been driving around America growing organic veggies on top of the bus and collecting signatures to bring this change?? I am so jealous (of them and you, too –)

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    March 20th, 2009
    at 6:33 pm

    I know schoolkids are helping with it, but really this is a very encouraging UNschoolish approach. When someone complains next that the Obamas are enemies of learning outside of school, I plan to bring this up.

    Comment by
    March 20th, 2009
    at 7:11 pm

    This is great.

    Homegrown fruits and vegetables taste better too. I am happy to report that I have ripe tomatoes in my greenhouse, and it looks like I will have a bumper crop of blueberries this year.

    Comment by
    March 20th, 2009
    at 7:38 pm

    I just put in 4 dozen blueberry plants a week ago. We won’t get fruit for at least a year, but I’m still excited about the plants.

    Comment by
    March 21st, 2009
    at 12:12 am

    I want to say something partisan and dismissive, but we’ve got tomato, sugar snap peas, cucumber, watermelon, and carrot seedlings getting ready to go into the ground.

    Our winter blizzards can still show up in June, so it’s a bit risky to plant here in the mountains north of Colorado Springs. But we’ve had bumper crops before.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    March 21st, 2009
    at 7:02 am

    The basil is up! The collard greens and lettuce have been providing lovely fresh tastes for a while.

    And the marigolds and sunflowers are just pretty! 🙂

    Daryl, I think it was only the seeds that were going to cost $200. That’s what I remember anyway from a quick read.

    Of course, that doesn’t include the live-in gardening staff or on-call local kid weeders. Where do I sign up for those services? 🙂


    Comment by
    March 21st, 2009
    at 9:03 am

    I’ll help Rob…

    Clearly she doesn’t care about the plight of the American farmer. Every ear of corn you grow at home is an ear you didn’t buy from Cargill. Won’t anybody think of the multi-billion dollar Agribusinesses? 🙂

    Comment by
    March 21st, 2009
    at 9:17 am

    Too true. And think about all of those poor unemployed chemists who won’t make the fertilizers and pesticides that she won’t use in her “organic” garden.

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    March 21st, 2009
    at 10:41 am

    Not to mention, doesn’t this get her hands dirty?