Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » STILL AN IDIOT

    Filed at 9:39 am under by dcobranchi

    Mark Sanford, like GWB, was the head cheerleader in college. Do y’all think that’s just a coincidence?

    4 Responses to “STILL AN IDIOT”

    Comment by
    March 21st, 2009
    at 4:12 pm

    He’s setting up for the 2012 nomination as the one true conservative. You know, only accept largess when it’s handed out by a Republican President!.

    Comment by
    March 22nd, 2009
    at 8:42 am

    He’s willing to accept the stimulus money as long as it doesn’t go directly to poor and/or unemployed folks. If he can direct it to big contractors he’s all for it.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    March 23rd, 2009
    at 8:37 am

    Can’t/won’t his state legislature overturn his insane ruling?


    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2009
    at 9:21 am

    They can and will. It’s just political posturing so he can campaign in ’12 that he said “Thanks but no thanks” to the stimulus money. All of the likely ’12 GOP candidates are playing the same game.