Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » WTF IS GOING ON!?

    Filed at 7:10 am under by dcobranchi

    My local paper today leads with a review of the mass killings at the Carthage, NC nursing home (Carthage is about an hour away). The scary bit is that this is really old news. Since Carthage, there was the Binghamton, NY rampage and then yesterday’s murder of three policemen in Pittsburgh.

    I hope this isn’t the start of something much worse.

    9 Responses to “WTF IS GOING ON!?”

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 11:06 am

    Digby is unnecessarily partisan. The tinfoil hat folks figure anyone in power is one of the TPTB/Illuminati/CFR/Bilderberger club – regardless of political affiliation. They most certainly did NOT go underground during the Bush years.

    That said, it would be interesting to see the political leanings of the, say, last two dozen or so mass killers over the past year or two. Maybe the angry fringe militant ultra-right are starting to appear, next to the unstable and the unmedicated.

    (We already have laws against unstable and unmedicated folks having guns btw…)

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 12:19 pm

    There was one late last year where the guy had written some kind of manifesto against liberals and hippies. I’ll try to find the details.

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 12:23 pm

    James Adkisson– crooks...ifesto Feb. ’09

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    April 5th, 2009
    at 1:22 pm

    “Maybe the angry fringe militant ultra-right are starting to appear” —

    Maybe? MAYBE??

    see “Pitchforks and Pistols”:

    My read: They’re apocalyptic. They feel isolated, angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their “leaders” seem to be trying to mold them into militias.

    At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. Of course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate speech . . .But it’s not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has hardened into something more dark and dangerous.

    . . .All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

    As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)

    At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the panic buying of firearms. . . 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the number of people living in Bachmann’s Minnesota.

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 3:54 pm

    The guy in NY was an immigrant who didn’t speak much English and had just lost his job. Probably no real political connection there.

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 4:25 pm

    I seem to remember something about Bill Ivins (the guy they finally nabbed for the anthrax attacks in the months after 9/11) also being politically motivated by ‘waking America up’ or something like that.

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 9:33 pm

    I thought the anthrax attacks were still unsolved?

    Comment by
    April 5th, 2009
    at 11:37 pm

    Wikipedia: “In mid-2008, the FBI narrowed its focus to Bruce Edwards Ivins, a scientist who worked at the government’s biodefense labs at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. Ivins was told of the impending prosecution and on July 27 committed suicide, by an overdose of acetaminophen.[1]

    On August 6, 2008, federal prosecutors declared Ivins to be the sole culprit of the crime.[2] Two days later, Sen. Charles Grassley and Rep. Rush Holt called for hearings into the DOJ and FBI’s handling of the investigation.[3]”


    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    April 6th, 2009
    at 8:59 am

    Too bad federal prosecutors haven’t been such a reliable source in recent years.