Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » WE (THE PEOPLE) DID THIS

    Filed at 5:37 am under by dcobranchi

    or at least those representing us in DC did.

    War crimes trials are the only appropriate step at this point.

    More here.

    8 Responses to “WE (THE PEOPLE) DID THIS”

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    April 17th, 2009
    at 8:36 am

    Daryl, listening to what was said and NOT said, I got the impression that declining rank and file prosecutions might be predicate to investigations, hearings and trials of those directly to blame. Now your link reinforces this idea in my mind, what do you think?

    “I agree entirely that it is the DOJ lawyers who purported to legalize torture and the high-level Bush officials ordering it who are the prime culprits and criminals, as compared to, say, CIA agents who were proverbially just following orders and were told by the DOJ that what they were doing was legal.”

    Comment by
    April 17th, 2009
    at 8:57 am

    Yes. Bybee, Yoo, Cheney et al. ought to be hauled to the Hague, never to return. But that doesn’t excuse the CIA ops. Nuremberg established that.

    Comment by
    April 17th, 2009
    at 10:16 am

    Yeah, so…

    I’m declaring a 180 on the subject. You guys helped, but here are the three defining sources that finally did it.

    I respect Christopher Hitchens. I’ll ask God to go easy on him when he shows up for final judgement.

    One of many posts on the subject by Michael Yon, combat reporter. He was the first guy to yell “civil war” in Iraq, and about the only guy yelling “we’re losing in Afghanistan” for years and years.

    Required reading for anyone who wishes to consider themselves well informed about the issue. Got the link from Michael Yon.

    Comment by
    April 17th, 2009
    at 10:27 am

    I’d strongly recommend anything Glenn Greenwald has written on the issue. He’s been following it for years and is a damn fine attorney (and writer). His politics are mostly libertarian. He used to be some kind of prosecuting attorney in NY and now lives in Brazil.

    Comment by
    April 17th, 2009
    at 10:30 am

    One other thing– if you haven’t read any of the memos you really should. Waterboarding was not the worst thing they did.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    April 17th, 2009
    at 4:42 pm

    I read enough of the memos to have my stomach turned. But I do not know what to think about Obama’s statement about not prosecuting CIA agents. It feels like they should be punished but that may not be practical. I want the higher ups to be prosecuted. I hope that much happens, at least. Of course, I wasn’t waterboarded or confined with biting insects in a coffin-style box . . .


    Comment by
    April 17th, 2009
    at 5:25 pm

    If we don’t prosecute everyone top to bottom we fail in our responsibilities under the Convention. It would also open up the CIA agents to being extraordinarily rendered to other countries for trial and punishment. While that might be fitting, it’s probably not what we would want.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    April 18th, 2009
    at 10:33 am

    Well, let’s start at the top.
