Rand Paul doesn’t know how old the Earth is. Or, rather, he was afraid to tell a group of fundy homeschoolers the truth.
Rand Paul doesn’t know how old the Earth is. Or, rather, he was afraid to tell a group of fundy homeschoolers the truth.
Check out the comments on this CNN article about a proposed AZ law. The bill would clearly violate the explicit wording of the 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868. And yet the commenters at CNN are going on about how the Framers of the Constitution never intended for the children of illegal immigrants to have citizenship.
We amended the Constitution. It says that if you are born in the US you are a citizen, by birthright.
Anthony officially graduated yesterday. It was a very nice event. Just our small co-op. All of the kids who participated in co-op classes were recognized, and then we had the actual graduation ceremony. I got to deliver the keynote address. Pretty fun.
It was neat seeing three boys (er, young men) who we have known for years make the transition out of homeschool and into college. All three will be attending one of the local community colleges next year.
I calls ’em as I sees ’em. And this is what I see this morning:
No mosques in New York City!
There was a church that perished on 9/11. The little St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. Rebuild that!
It is not a matter of freedom of religion, but, freedom of worship. In America, worship the one true God of our forefathers … of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, of Joseph, and of Nicholas. Any ol’ way you like.
We have a jealous God, who founded America. He hasn’t abandoned us. I promise.
Russ Olenick, Raeford
But, heh, it’s Fayetteville. Lots of idiots running around here. But how, then, to explain the comments on this CNN piece on the same topic? Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
It’s not about the “babies.” It’s about keeping women barefoot and pregnant. They don’t like the fact that women can have sex without the risk of getting pregnant.