Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » CHAINED TO THEIR LAPTOPS

    Filed at 5:52 am under by dcobranchi

    Do we have to keep on beating this poor dead horse? Really?

    Gene V. Glass, a research professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder, referred to both series as he spoke disdainfully about for-profit online education companies, which he has done extensive research on…

    But don’t misunderstand. He worries about nonprofit online education systems, too, he said.

    “Some of this started a long, long time ago in two ways, for disabled kids who were home-bound and for kids in remote, rural areas that don’t have access to certain courses,” Glass said. “Most of those were sort of admirable efforts.”

    That online learning population started to get replaced over the past decade or more by home schoolers, he said.

    “An 8-year-old kid on the kitchen table with a laptop,” Glass said. “That’s their schooling. It’s ridiculous. This is not a way to improve education.”

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