Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OLD SCHOOL UPDATES

    Filed at 8:04 am under by dcobranchi

    I’m still sticking with the old-style shaving. I’ve probably a dozen old razors now and just last night purchased one made in the 2nd quarter of 1962. (That’s far from my oldest which was made in 1920.) But the Gillette Slim will be 50 years old sometime between April and June of this year. And, so will I. On May 13th, to be precise. So, it’s a “birth quarter” razor. I don’t really know why I find that utterly cool (and geeky).

    In addition to the razors, I’ve recently re-acquired an old “vice.” I’ve picked up a couple of fountain pens. I hadn’t used them since college, and mine from back then are looooong gone. But eBay is a great source. Jinhao makes some beautiful pens at ridiculous prices. I bought an X450 and an X750 for something like $14 shipped.

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