Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE…

    Filed at 6:34 am under by dcobranchi

    WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE… The Arizona Republic has an editorial today that chides the Democratic governor for being anti-homeschooling. Good! But, then there’s this graf:

    Some fear lax policies could provide cover for irresponsible parents and potential abuse. The governor could make the case that the state has a clear interest in making sure kids learn, and that state laws should not be used as a way to keep abused or neglected kids out of school. All kids should be registered and tested.

    Keep your damn registrations and tests away from OUR kids. They do not belong to the state.

    UPDATE: Skip Oliva beats up the governor for the same sin.

    For their part, home educators shouldn’t take the governor’s snub too seriously. In this case, they should consider it an affirmation that they are putting their children before altruist political concerns.

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