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  • DEFINITELY TV Isabel Lyman

    Filed at 1:39 am under by dcobranchi

    DEFINITELY TV Isabel Lyman points to a really scary column by a teacher who breaks the world down into TV people and Print people:

    “Print People do what they are told to do, almost all the time.

    TV People do what they are told to do, less than half the time.”

    The author claims in her bio that she is “the owner of ‘The Learning Clinic,’ where real reading, and real math, are taught effectively and efficiently.” Maybe not as effectively as she thinks.

    One day I stepped in front of a hall-roaming TV Person who was ignoring my request that he return to class, and stated, “Notice! I am not a TV, and you do not have a remote control! You may not like my ‘channel’ but it is the one you get to watch at this moment!” I might have saved my energy. He missed the point, looked at me as though I had lost my mind, and detoured around me to continue his out-of-class adventure. I noted not one touch of conscience, guilt, respect. The lights are on, but the reception is poor.

    Print people good; TV, bad. She claims that homeschoolers are Print people but I think she’s wrong. We’re definitely TV people. Shoot, the pioneers in the movement broke the law in order to do what they thought right. That’s not only questioning authority. It’s rejecting it, outright. That’s one of the real lessons our kids will learn from our choices. I’m sure that thought would terrify Ms. Taylor, but I think it’s just fine.

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