Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL

    Filed at 8:24 am under by dcobranchi

    Kids at this soon-to-be-opened school have learned their PC lessons quite well:

    In February, student council members from schools that will feed into Lehman chose to make the Huskies the mascot for the school.

    But buyers’ remorse is sinking in. The same student leaders who picked the Huskies are wondering whether their teams should be named for an animal with few ties to Texas, Hinojosa said. Also, she said some of them are concerned that the mascot could be used to harass students who are overweight.

    Who says g-schools can’t teach?

    4 Responses to “TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL”

    Comment by
    October 25th, 2003
    at 12:38 pm

    Actually, I’m embarrassed to admit that “fat kids” was the first thing that popped into my head when I read about the Lehman Huskies. I think that’s because the plus size in boy’s jeans used to be (is still?) called ‘Husky’.
    Still, it’s a LOT better than calling themselves the Lehman Leprechauns. 😉
    I guess naming a team is kind of like naming a kid. You generally don’t want to pick anything that will set them up for ridicule. (My mother vetoed my father’s bid to name me Polly Esther.)

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    October 25th, 2003
    at 2:59 pm

    You’re obviously not a college football fan.

    Comment by
    October 25th, 2003
    at 8:55 pm

    I’m suprised some womyn’s group didn’t have an objection over being a “lay-man”. Maybe they should be the Trojans.

    Comment by
    October 27th, 2003
    at 12:17 pm

    Given their PC propensities, I would suggest the Lehman Lemmings.