Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » ANOTHER OPTION

    Filed at 5:51 am under by dcobranchi

    The New York Times writes about parents who are giving up on homeschooling in favor of paid tutors.

    Three years ago, Carolyn Scott, who with her four daughters raises and trains show ponies in Mukwonago, Wis., gave up on home schooling, she said, because she found it hard to be both mother and teacher. And while she thought that an experienced professional could do better, she did not want to send her children to schools because that would cut into family time.

    So Mrs. Scott and her husband, Jay, who runs a family foundation, hired their own teacher. With the help of Ellen Sternig, owner of Learning Exchange, a for-profit tutoring and test preparation center in nearby Brookfield, they found a tutor who charged $20 an hour to teach the girls at home for four hours on weekday mornings.

    $20 an hour seems pretty cheap to me. And in NY, no less.

    3 Responses to “ANOTHER OPTION”

    Comment by
    October 26th, 2003
    at 7:20 pm

    Let’s hope that these people pay their nanny tax or governess tax on employees hired in the home or it’s clear that this is not traditional homeschooling any more that cyber charters are regular homeschooling…

    I’m not against either way of teaching( cybers or governesses) & firmly believe that the more educational choices parents have for their children the more it benefits our kids & our future.
    However, I do worry when apples & oranges are mixed in comparison. Both are fruit but only one makes a pie you can’t always substitute one for another like juice.
    And trouble often crops up where $ paid to others in involved AND our government has made it quite clear they will always get their cut of that pie. $ paid to others is key in tutoring or cyber charters not in traditional homeschooling.

    Comment by
    October 27th, 2003
    at 8:47 am

    Reread the article. They are in Wisconsin.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    October 27th, 2003
    at 5:42 pm
